What is a retrospective approval and how can I get a building approval on something already built? We are experts in this field and have the know-how to guide you through the process.
There is never a one size fits all answer for retrospective approvals but we try to keep it simple. A building approval is made up of two parts. 1) can you build what you want where you want and 2) is it built to the Building Code of Australian standards? When something is already built we have to work the process backwards
Steps to gaining a retrospective approval
Step 1 – Contact us with information about your situation. Include any relevant plans and existing paperwork and let us know if you have a show cause from council (we recommend you contact our team before responding).
Step 2 – We will get in touch and organise a preliminary inspection. At this inspection we will assess the likelihood of a successful application. Once we are back in the office we will draft a report that will advise what you will need to do to obtain approval and the other professional services you will require (this is likely to include a structural engineer and possibly a QBCC licensed builder for any rectification work that may be required). We will also outline our costs for the building approval and inspections. If we think we are unable to obtain approval for you we will let you know.
Step 3 – Armed with this information you can decide if you with to go ahead with the process of obtaining approval.
What happens if I don’t get work approved?
It should be said we always recommend getting a building approval before starting construction. If you decide not to get the work approved it will not be on council records which can cause a problem when you go to sell. Council may request you obtain an approval or, in a worse case scenario, remove the structure.
You can find out more about the process in our ebook here.
You can request an inspection here.